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It depicts the singer wearing a black bikini and dancing with semi-nude male dancers on a boat.

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'Mi Chico Latino''s accompanying music video was directed by Doug Nichol and filmed on the island of Sardinia. The song also attracted some moderate success worldwide. The song was a commercial success in the United Kingdom, debuting at number one on the UK Singles Chart, becoming Halliwell's first number-one solo single in the country. 'Mi Chico Latino' received mixed reviews from music critics, who noted it was a contribution to the Latin pop phenom at the time, while others criticized Halliwell's Spanish pronunciation. The song was written by Halliwell in order to pay homage to her mother, who has Spanish background, whilst it also has a number of Spanish lyrics. It is a Latin pop song which is centred on a lost love theme.

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'Mi Chico Latino' was released as the album's second single on 16 August 1999 by EMI Records. It was written by Halliwell, Andy Watkins and Paul Wilson, whilst produced by the latter two, who are known collectively as Absolute.

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' Mi Chico Latino' ( English: 'My Latin Boy'), is a song recorded by English singer Geri Halliwell for her debut solo album Schizophonic (1999).

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